(really i need a vacation!)... ba xodam goftam velesh kon..dobare miri tush ma refiqim o hamash az kiri ke eshqesh behesh zade dare minale..dobare miri mibini qam o qossast..adam mibine ke hanuz natuneste uno faramush kone va zendegi ...
with chef bmigne/b. bonding w/ other section =). whoa. with chef glenda baretto. jesse's mssing.. =p. picnic muna kme... OkS008.jpg ... made by bellevue bhotel/b. mini cake. OkS038.jpg. OkS040.jpg. OkS043.jpg. cute. our cake. OkS047.jpg ...
bMigna/b Llorens is also exceptionally qualified but is sorely lacking in the ability to be an impartial decision maker who can rule with integrity. To preserve the integrity of the justice system vote Segarra. b.../b